Murray River at Swan Hill

South Australian Murray Irrigators

Placing Your Voice at the Table

Paper sticky tape
Paper sticky tape
Paper Texture

Thank You

for Your Interest.

Please contact us Via:

Phone 0487 050 328


PO Box 1669


South Australia 5341

SAMI is a United Voice for our South Australian Murray Irrigators,


farming from the South Australian boarders to the Coorong, playing a vital role in protecting their interests & livelihoods and those of their communities. We actively defend the South Australian Murray Irrigator’s rights and strongly promote the best practice irrigation techniques that our irrigators have implemented. SAMI Irrigators have been at the forefront of irrigation practices over the decades, tackling hard environment al problems such as salinity. Our members are among the world leaders in the sustainable and equitable management of the River Murray waters.

SAMI is a not-for-profit volunteer organization that was initiated in 1992 by a collaboration of irrigators, and was formalized in 2002.

Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is for a profitable South Australian Murray Irrigation industry in which the sustainable use of our water and other natural resources supports expanding, vibrant regional communities

in control of their own futures.

Ripe Grapes Hung on Vineyards of Grape Trees

SAMI will strive to uphold the rights and access to water for all South Australian River Murray irrigators.

Out of the Archives, Our History

SAMI advocates for and actively defend the rights of South Australian Murray irrigators by:

Fostering working relationships with Federal and State Minister sand their departments.

Lobbying Ministers and their departments.

Writing submissions and attend hearings.

Promoting the best practice irrigation techniques our irrigators have implemented.

Contributing to and collaborating with like-minded industry groups.

This work supports our members who grow: wine & table grapes, almonds, pistachios, avocados, citrus, stone fruits, potatoes, onions, dairy and stock feed.

Our advocacy focus is currently on:

  • Finalisation of the Murray Darling Basin Plan
  • State Water Policy
  • SA River Murray environmental improvement projects, e.g. Lower Lakes

Recent News & Media

Media representatives seeking comment about Water Policy & Management, Water Trading, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, Water Security & Water Access Entitlements, Water Use Efficiency, Sustainable Division Limits, Sustainable Agriculture Production, Environmental Issues, from SAMI on behalf of our South Australian irrigators,

Please contact

Caren Martin

SAMI Chairperson

0400 741 533

Help the Cause

SAMI is a non-for-profit, member based organisation, relying on passionate volunteers and voluntary membership contributions. There are a few ways you can become involved with SAMI, assisting to improve the prospects for all irrigating farmers

  • Join SAMI to become an active, participating member.
  • Attend our meetings.
  • Donate your time and/or donate a financial gift to SAMI.
  • While actively working to improve the efficiency of your

on-farm irrigation practices, pass on your knowledge.

  • Positively promote the valuable work achieved by SAMI

to your colleagues and friends.

  • Represent SAMI at Regional Field Days.
  • Volunteer as a Committee Member.
Food on Picnic Blanket






P.O. Box 1669


Chairperson Caren Martin

M 0487 050 328



ABN 42 221 151 883

SAMI Membership Subscription

is based on the Mega Liters of your total entitlement for your

River Murray Irrigation License, at a rate of $0.50 cents per ML, plus GST.

If your entitlement is less than 135 ML your subscription is $77 inclusive of GST. If your total entitlement is 135 ML or greater, based on the last financial year’s entitlements,

please calculate your subscription as follows:

  • Your total water entitlement is .................ML
  • Your entitlement x $0.50 cents = $.................
  • Plus GST, 10% of your subscription = $.................
  • Total = $.................

Date / /

Contact Name .................................................................................................................................................

Company Name ............................................................................................................................................. Postal Address ................................................................................................................................................

Phone Number ...................................................... Mobile Number....................................................

Email Address .................................................................................................................................................

Your water entitlement in ML or KL .....................................................................................................

Are you an Irrigation Trust Member? Y N If yes, please specify ..............................................

Crop Type ...............................................................................



Direct Deposit

Account Name: South Australian Murray Irrigators Inc.

BSB: 105 048 Account Number: 198 108 740

Please call SAMI if you're paying via Credit Card

Thank you for your membership subscription payment

Murray river, South Australia

Your Committee . . .

Caren Martin


0400 741 533

Richard Reedy

Deputy Chairperson

08 8532 6116

Simon Schutz

Committee Member

0403 743 199

Sam Dodd

Committee Member

0428 303 907

David Ludas

Committee Member

0418 810 707

Luke Stoekel

Committee Member

0439 870 403

Aaron Haby

Committee Member

0427 708 292

James Simpfendorfer

Committee Member

0467 026135

James Butler

Committee Member

0488 109 311

Join the Committee . . .

Are you an irrigating farmer/business willing and able to step up and represent your industry?

How about nominating for a position on

the SAMI Committee.

To be a member of the SAMI Committee, you will need to be a SAMI Member and be willing to use your personal skills and networks to assist SAMI, as an essential representative body, speaking on behalf of our South Australian irrigating farmers.

If you're interested in joining our SAMI Committee,

please contact SAMI’s Chairperson, for a confidential discussion.

Caren Martin

0400 741 533

funny cow

Photo Gallery

Mixing it Up!

Our Produce, in Recipes . . .

Following Pasta Recipe Using App on Digital Tablet

Paws for a Moment!

Stories of our best working companion.

Kelpie down